Teacher Abuse

Location of what would soon become the 1st Winter War between students and teachers.
Location of what would soon become the 1st Winter War between students and teachers.

By – Tauras Šeškevičius

On a bright and cold winter morning, what started off as a good day quickly turned horrible for one of the teachers of Herojus School. Coach Paulius was attacked by his students and was left shocked and shivering in the snow. What happened that day?

“Oh the embarrassing and painful war against the 5th graders?” asked Couch Paulius when questioned about that day. With his testimony, a pretty good picture of the events has come to light. Sources inform us that there were multiple snow wars fought between students and teachers in the weeks leading up to the incident at hand. The two main wars were fought between the teachers and the 6-8th graders and later between the teachers and the 5th graders. Coach Paulius’ attack happened during the war against the 5th graders.  To better understand what happened, we need to start from the beginning.

They formed an alliance with him and fought fearlessly against everyone else. But Jogaila and Tautvydas made one mistake that day…

8th graders Tautvydas (left) and Jogaila. Blissfully ignorant of T. Dovilė wrath.
8th graders Tautvydas (left) and Jogaila. Blissfully ignorant of T. Dovilė wrath.

It all started one frosty day in January when a snowball fight broke out between the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders as well as some of the teaching staff. Two 8th grade students, Jogaila and Tautvydas, had  sided with the 6th grade head teacher, Dovile Pelegrimė.  With time, they grew  bored and so they went out to seek new adventures. They found Coach Paulius. They formed an alliance with him and fought fearlessly against everyone else. But Jogaila and Tautvydas made one mistake that day. They attacked teacher Dovile while she was still under the assumption that they were on her side.  Unfortunately they weren’t.  After the battle was over, the two 8th graders thought they were safe.  The war was over for them, but the same was not truth for their betrayed ex-teammate. Teacher Dovile was furious and sought vengeance. She came up with a plan.

Her first target was Coach Paulius. She engineered a second war. The war against the 5th graders. It happened in the moat next to Kaunas Castle. During  a long break between classes, the 5th graders,  Coach Paulius, and some other teachers went outside. Teacher Dovile planned an ambush on teacher Paulius. The moment he stepped out of the school, he was attacked by the entire 5th grade population. He knew he couldn’t take on that many children, so he ran. He ran far. He ran for 30 mins. Unfortunately for him, he could  only run for so long. He was pushed on the edge of the moat where the only place to run was down. But he didn’t make it far enough before 5th grader Julius attacked him from behind, holding onto his leg. As Coach Paulius is a nice person, and did not kick Julius. So he fell down the hill where the rest of the 5th graders doggy piled onto him. A victory for Teacher Dovile. 

In the end, Coach Paulius was left humiliated. He also ended up on Teacher Dovile’s Blacklist along with his companions Tautvydas and Jogaila. The event left a permanent mark in Coach Paulius’ memory and it was recorded in history with a video of what happened.