Spooky Hide-and-Seek

By – Tautvydas Anilionis

Fear of the unknown and reverence for the afterlife can be said to be as old as humanity itself.

Do you believe in ghosts? Do you think ghosts are dead people’s souls?  My investigation group was curious to know how people felt about this phenomenon and so in February 2022, we asked  the students of Herojus school and we now bring you their opinions.

I first became very interested in ghosts when a chair suddenly fell over when no one was near it. We were super uncomfortable and shocked. So we decided to investigate. “We see the ghost as our biggest fear. They embody fear,” said Kastytis, a teacher at Herojus . A question we could all ask ourselves is: What do we fear?  Many will probably say “nothing,” but most people have many hidden fears. 

I asked ten people in Herojus school if they believe in ghosts and 70% of them did believe. I  personally believe in ghosts because I have seen their actions countless times.

The answers shocked me! Many people have seen ghosts and they are super scared of them. For example, there was a student who saw his dead grandfather just standing in an old doorway. Another student, a girl, saw her dead grandmother. The grandmother was saying something with her hands but the girl couldn’t understand because she was only 5 years old.

Almost every student who said they have seen a ghost has felt uncomfortable and scared but it was hard for them to describe their feelings because that feeling was so strange.

Some people believe ghosts can appear in many different forms. I personally think this is a very scary thought. Other people believe ghosts are just scary movie characters.  Still, there are people who believe ghosts are the spirits of their own dead family members. I think this is the creepiest thought of all. 

“I think ghosts are like fluffy, soft, skinny skeletons,” said Coach Paulius. I find this way of thinking interesting and cool.

The students I spoke to told me that they also have a lot of friends who believe in ghosts and some can even talk to them. I know this  sounds scary and creepy but I think it could be super cool to talk to your dead relatives and other ghosts from the past.

In our school, there have been a lot of strange accidents that I think could be connected to ghosts like the one where the chair fell over when there was no one around. Still, it is every person’s choice whether to believe or not (was it just a wind?).  

My name is Tautvydas and I believe. If you want to share your ghost stories or videos, send them here to ghostsvideo@gmail.com. 

Thanks, and keep your eyes open!

All alone…. or are we?

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